What Should I Do about a Lost Passport?

A lost passport usually necessitates repeating the passport application process, which is why it is recommended that you keep this document as safe as possible. You should report the passport to the passport services agency in your country, whether you believe it was lost or stolen. The passport will be canceled after you do so, which means it will no longer be valid, even if you find it later. If you don’t need a new passport right away, you can follow the same steps you did to get your old one. On the other hand, if you need a replacement passport in a hurry, you’ll probably have to pay a premium for expedited service in order to get it in a matter of days.

If you haven’t been able to locate a lost passport, you should report it to your country’s passport agency so that it can be cancelled. This means that if you find it, you should take it to the location where you reported it missing so that it can be destroyed or cancelled before being returned to you. If you lose your passport while visiting another country, you must contact your home country’s consulate or embassy for assistance, as you will be unable to travel internationally without it.

The next step is to replace your lost passport with a new one, which you can do the same way you got the original if you won’t need it for a few weeks. This means you should go to your nearest regional passport agency, though many post offices can also replace a lost passport. You’ll need to fill out the required paperwork and show proof of citizenship, such as a birth certificate. A driver’s license or other acceptable form of identification is also required. The next step is to pay the required fees and submit a photo that meets the requirements, which means it must be a small but clear photo of your face.

You’ll need expedited service if you’re traveling internationally in a few days or weeks and need to replace your lost passport quickly. You may be able to pay extra for this at a local passport agency or post office, so call ahead to confirm availability. You can usually get a new passport in a day or two, but it will cost significantly more than if you wait a few weeks, so think about your needs before deciding on a budget.