What is Ununpentium?

Ununpentium is a radioactive chemical element that belongs to the transactinides family of elements on the periodic table. This is one of the heaviest elements known to man; transactinides are sometimes referred to as “super heavy elements” because of their large atomic numbers. This element is not readily found in nature because it is so unstable; it must be synthesized in a laboratory. As you might expect, the process of synthesizing this element is extremely complicated and costly, making commercial applications unlikely.

The exact chemical properties of this element, which is also known as eka-bismuth, are unknown. It, like other transactinides, is extremely unstable, lasting only a few seconds before decomposing into more stable elements. Researchers hope to synthesize ununpentium isotopes with a large number of protons and neutrons in the so-called “island of stability,” which will make the isotopes more stable, potentially allowing for more extensive research and experimentation.

The International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry has given this element the nickname “ununpentium” for the time being (IUPAC). The element’s temporary name is a systematic element name, which means that it follows the IUPAC’s system for standardizing temporary names for elements for the sake of simplicity. The atomic numbers of elements are used to name them in the systematic element naming system; ununpentium is element 115, and ununpent means “one one five” in a mix of Latin and Greek. The IUPAC will award the honor of proposing a permanent name to the lab that deserves credit for the discovery of this element. On the periodic table, it is currently known as Uup.

A joint group of American and Russian scientists working at Lawrence Livermore National Lab and Dubna in Russia announced the discovery of this element in 2004. Ununpentium was created by bombarding an americium isotope with calcium, which resulted in a few atoms of a short-lived isotope that lasted long enough for the researchers to confirm their presence. Both labs have successfully conducted additional experiments confirming the existence of ununpentium.

Superheavy element research can be extremely frustrating, but it can also be extremely rewarding. Some researchers enjoy the challenge of working on the cutting edge of the periodic table, so the difficulties involved in their production are a big motivator for them.