What is Travel Health Insurance?

Medical emergencies that occur while on vacation are covered by travel health insurance. Some people buy these policies when their own health insurance doesn’t cover them when they travel internationally. The insurance covers things like hospitalization, emergency medical treatment, and airlifting. Some plans also include death benefits and coverage for emergency return trips to one’s home country as added bonuses. Insurance companies and tourism businesses both sell travel health insurance.

When a subscriber is outside of his or her home country, many travel health insurance plans do not provide coverage. Due to these limitations, some international travelers purchase health insurance that will cover major medical expenses. These plans are usually temporary and only last for one trip. Many policies require the traveler to pay for expenses up front and then file claims with the insurance company for reimbursement.

Emergency medical expenses are covered by basic travel health insurance. For example, if a Canadian traveler breaks her arm while visiting the United States, the policy will usually cover emergency room costs, x-rays, physician fees, and possibly cast costs. Surgical fees and limited hospital stays are usually covered by insurance in more serious accidents. Airlifting to a different hospital or a medical facility in the person’s home country is sometimes covered.

Travel medical insurance also covers unexpected and serious illnesses that occur while traveling. Benefits for illnesses, like injuries, typically include examination costs, doctor fees, and other related expenses. In most cases, illness that arises as a result of a pre-existing condition is not covered.

Because the travel health insurance market is so competitive, some companies offer non-health-related benefits to entice customers. Policies may, for example, provide funds for emergency evacuations triggered by political unrest. Some companies will also compensate you if you die while traveling abroad. If a family member dies while the subscriber is abroad, a death benefit usually covers costs such as transporting the body back to the home country or last-minute travel expenses.

It’s also crucial to understand what isn’t covered by travel health insurance. Non-emergency services are not covered by most international health insurance plans. Elective procedures, such as plastic surgery in a foreign country, are almost never covered by these policies. Most plans also exclude routine care and health screenings. Some policies will not cover travelers who visit dangerous areas or engage in extreme activities like bungee jumping or skydiving.
Travelers can buy international health insurance from online insurance companies. Purchases are also made easier for clients by travel agencies. Those interested in travel health insurance should also check the terms of their credit card; credit card benefits may already include coverage.

Insurance premiums are determined by a number of factors. The length of a trip and the countries visited are both cost factors. The traveler’s medical history and age are also factors.