What is Stachybotrys?

Stachybotrys is a fungus with one well-known member: Stachybotrys charatrum, the infamous “black mold” that can infest buildings, particularly homes. Under the right environmental conditions, this mold has been known to produce mycotoxins, which are toxic substances. These substances can cause serious illness in people, especially if they are exposed to them repeatedly over a long period of time.

Molds in this genus prefer cellulose-rich environments, such as paper pulp, wood, and straw. The colonies develop a furry texture over time and are greenish to black in color. Stachybotrys is a slow-growing mold that can be outcompeted by other mold species, but in the right conditions, it can grow rapidly and cause significant damage. Stachybotrys requires a high-moisture environment to thrive, which is a fact that people can take advantage of.

Stachybotrys is not poisonous in and of itself. Mycotoxins are produced by mold spores, and only under certain circumstances. The spores tend to stick to the fungal colony if the environment stays wet, which means they won’t spread and cause health problems. However, as the mold dries out, it releases its spores, and when the mold is disturbed, mycotoxins can also be released. Inhaling Stachybotrys spores can cause headaches, fever, fatigue, vomiting, diarrhea, and infections of the lungs, nose, and mouth mucus membranes. People may simply feel a general sense of malaise at low levels, making it difficult to attribute the cause to Stachybotrys.

Because this mold grows inside walls and other hidden areas, it is difficult to detect because it is not visible to the naked eye. Mold can grow on the outside of the wall after flooding or prolonged periods of chronic moisture, becoming visible to the naked eye. If people can see or smell mold in a structure, immediate action must be taken to remove it. An air sampling device can be used to test for the presence of Stachybotrys in cases where the mold is suspected but not easily proven.

Environments should be kept warm and dry, with good air circulation, to prevent Stachybotrys colonization. If a structure is flooded, as much flood-damaged wood and other material as possible should be removed to allow the structure to dry and air out completely. If mold does begin to infiltrate a structure, the infested areas should be removed and burned to eliminate the mold. People can also try washing and bleaching the moldy area, but this method isn’t always effective because it doesn’t always target hidden mold and can add moisture to the infested area, promoting the growth of Stachybotrys.