What is Space Solar Power?

Space solar power, also known as SSP, is a method of generating electricity by placing solar panels beyond the atmosphere’s layers. Space solar power technology has been used to power spacecraft for decades, even though it is still in its infancy for widespread use. Some believe that space solar power is the answer to the majority of the world’s energy problems; it is a clean, renewable energy source with enormous potential power.

Today’s solar power typically consists of ground-based solar panels that absorb sunlight, convert it to an electrical current, and either use it immediately or store it in batteries for later use. Space solar power works in a similar way, but with two key differences: without the atmosphere, the amount of energy absorbed is enormous, and the energy must be transmitted to Earth via radio waves or microwaves.

There is no such thing as weather in space, nor are there any clouds or atmospheric layers, nor are there any day and night cycles. Because these elements are missing, space solar power stations are exposed to unabated sunlight. Satellites and spacecraft that are far enough away from the earth have access to sunlight 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Unlike on Earth, where solar power collection is limited to sunny weather and daylight hours, SSP stations could collect massive amounts of solar power at any time.

Since the 1960s, when Dr. Peter Glaser of the Czech Republic first described the concept, space solar power has existed as a scientific concept. Thanks to experiments by the US and Japanese governments, as well as private research organizations, technology has slowly evolved to meet the potential of the idea since then. Northern California energy company PG&E stepped forward in 2009 to sign a contract with SSP firm Solaren, Inc. to provide space solar power to parts of California by 2016.

Even supporters of SSP are quick to point out that there are risks and pitfalls to be aware of when implementing the technology. First, despite the fact that SSP transmission has been theorized and patented, it has never been used in practice. Second, some people are concerned about the high concentration of microwaves required to transmit the energy to the ground. According to some, power-receiving stations will need to be located in remote areas such as deserts and mountains to avoid harmful microwave exposure.

The benefits of SSP appear to make it a technology worth learning about. SSP, unlike many other renewable energy sources, does not emit greenhouse gases or toxic waste, does not require mining or crop burning to refine the product, and is not reliant on natural forces like weather to function. Many scientists and business investors believe that space solar power could provide humans with a bright future.