What is Screen on the Green?

Screen on the Green, in the tradition of outdoor theater, is a delightful way to spend an evening under the stars. The basic premise is to go to a large park, sit in the grass or on a blanket, bring food and drink, and watch a classic movie on a massive screen. The cities that host Screen on the Green offer free screenings of movies once a week for a month.

Atlanta, Georgia and Washington, DC are home to two of the country’s largest and most well-known Screen on the Greens. Also hosting is London, England. For more information about your own city, look for a local newspaper or magazine.
Because Screen on the Green is so popular, the park where it takes place becomes extremely crowded. Due to the high volume of visitors, you should arrive early to secure a good picnic and viewing spot. The movies usually start at dusk, when the sky is dark enough to resemble a movie theater. However, don’t expect to find a great spot if you arrive twenty minutes before sunset. Visitors to the Screen on the Green prefer to arrive early and enjoy picnics before the movie begins.

In fact, many people consider the picnic to be the highlight of the event. The crowds at Screen on the Green are very social, and there is a sense of community among them. All kinds of food, wine, quiet dogs, children, and friends can be found from one picnic blanket to the next. It’s not uncommon for the audience to sing along with the movie if it’s a musical!

Though you are free to bring almost anything, there are a few items that no Screen on the Green will allow. High-backed chairs, grills, and glass containers are among these items. Umbrellas are frowned upon because they block the view of those behind you. Following these simple guidelines will ensure that everyone who attends has a fantastic time.

When it comes to what to bring, many people emphasize the importance of bug spray. But, once again, consider others and bring a small, non-aerosol spray that won’t bother your neighbors. You’ll also want to bring water, especially if you’re bringing alcoholic beverages. Finally, bring something to put your trash in so that the park can be left tidy.

Screen on the Green is a lot of fun and brings people a lot of joy. However, if you take a moment to sit back and look around the park, you’ll likely sense a peaceful unity and togetherness that is quite soothing. So bring your cheese and a blanket and relax while watching the show.