What Is Programmable Matter?

Programmable matter can change its physical shape and other characteristics in response to input. This input can include both user commands and feedback from an automated controller, similar to those used to direct a computer. Programmable matter technology has a wide range of potential applications, including consumer products, scientific research, and military applications, among others. In the early twenty-first century, research into this topic accelerated as companies with an interest in the subject began developing early prototypes and plans for more.

There are a variety of approaches to the development of programmable matter, including fluids, composites, and robotics systems. In every case, matter has the ability to change one or more properties. It could, for example, respond to input by becoming darker or lighter, or it could change shape on command. Individual molecules within it may be able to change shape, resulting in molecular-level compositional changes that could be used in a variety of ways.

Information processing and transmission is one application for programmable matter. These devices can also transmit energy without containing any data. A cell phone, for example, can shrink down to a small size when not in use but expand into a full tablet or handset when the user commands it. This could allow for more compact packing while still allowing access to features that the user might want or need on occasion. Shape transitions, as well as the ability to interact with the user, send data, and receive information, require programmable matter.

Some programmable matter may interact with robots and computer programs that can control it automatically in addition to user directives. This makes it useful in situations where humans are unable to travel, such as an exploratory landing on a planet with a hazardous atmosphere. In facilities such as factories, automation of some processes using programmable matter can also improve safety and efficiency. Environmentally responsive components can also be useful in situations where quick response is required.

Private companies conduct programmable matter research in order to improve their own product lines and create new consumer products. Their research, like that of government agencies working on classified projects, is usually confidential and not open to the public. Information about research and development may be more readily available for the benefit of people with an interest in the subject at public interest organizations as well as academic institutions.