What Is Kosher Pizza?

Kosher laws are Jewish laws that govern what can and cannot be eaten. These holy laws specify which animals are fit to eat, how they should be slaughtered and processed, and which foods should not be eaten together. Kosher pizza is pizza that follows these kosher laws, making it suitable for those who adhere to this lifestyle.

Many factors must be taken into account when making kosher pizza. One of the less obvious concerns is whether the dough meets the kemach yashan requirement, which states that grain must have taken root prior to Passover in order to be eaten that year. While Jewish law requires Jews in Israel to follow this law, they are not required to do so in other countries. However, some do, and it is critical for them that the pizza begins with kosher dough.

All cheese used in kosher pizza must be kosher as well. Any cheese that isn’t made by Jews isn’t kosher, and thus can’t be used on a kosher pizza. It is not necessary for a Jew to make the cheese himself, especially since much of the work is done by machine in factories, but it must be supervised according to kosher law. When rennet, a necessary component of cheese, is added, it must be done by a Jew or the factory must be owned by Jews.

Because rennet is an animal-based product, it is considered extremely important to include it. This enzyme is derived from the stomach lining of an animal, usually a calf who has only eaten milk. The animal must have been slaughtered and processed according to kosher law in order for the rennet to be usable. It is intended that a Jewish person supervise the rennet addition process to ensure that only kosher rennet is used.

After determining that all of the ingredients for a kosher pizza are kosher, they can be combined to make a pizza. Because one of the kosher rules states that meat and dairy cannot be mixed, a kosher pizza will have cheese and sauce but no meat. (A small amount of rennet is added to milk and does not violate kosher laws.) Kosher pizza, on the other hand, is made with a variety of cheeses and herbs, as well as chopped vegetables like mushrooms and tomatoes.