What Is Conservation Travel?

Conservation travel aims to improve or conserve the ecosystems, culture, and economy of the destination. Traveling in ways that are minimally invasive and provide economic support for conservation efforts are examples of environmental aspects of conservation travel. Some may also include volunteer work related to the environment. Rather than being involved with and supporting foreign-run tourist companies, cultural conservation travel seeks to be involved with and support local communities. x000D_

Many businesses promote environmentally friendly travel to attract environmentally conscious customers, but responsible travelers should be wary of “green-washing,” which refers to marketing products and services as environmentally friendly when they are not. A truly environmentally conscious tour company should hire guides who are trained in low-impact tourism and travel in small groups to minimize the group’s impact on the local ecosystems. It should also place customers in hotels that recycle and use low-energy lighting and climate control to conserve natural resources.

A type of conservation travel that sends participants to wildlife reserves or other sensitive areas falls somewhere between volunteer work and vacation. Participants will be able to collect information about the ecosystem, such as animal populations and habits, as well as learn about local cultures and customs. Non-specialists are welcome to participate in these volunteer tourist programs, but those with a background in zoology are especially needed. x000D_

Even those who do not travel with conservation travel companies can reduce their environmental impact by acting responsibly. They can reduce the amount of waste they produce by using refillable water bottles and purchasing items with minimal packaging. Travelers should stay on designated trails and carry out all trash, including personal sanitation items such as toilet paper, when visiting rural areas or nature reserves.

Cultural conservation travel is frequently compatible with environmental conservation. This type of tourism places a strong emphasis on ensuring that money spent stays in local communities rather than going to foreign or national businesses. Spending money on locally produced goods and staying in locally owned hotels helps to boost the local economy while also reducing worker exploitation. Tours of “authentic” cultural homes and villages are sometimes included in cultural conservation travel, but the presence of tourists often detracts from the authenticity of these tours. Making friends with locals is often a better and more long-term way to get a sense of the culture than taking tours.