What is Black Bean Soup?

Black beans, which are native to the Americas, have been a popular Latin American food for thousands of years. People all over the world are discovering that black beans are not only delicious but also high in protein. Black bean soup is one of the most common ways to prepare black beans.
Black bean soup is a cheap and tasty way to feed a large group of people or to make a snack for yourself. Black bean soup has become popular in many areas due to its ease and hearty flavor, especially during the colder months.

Rinse one pound (454 g) black beans after sorting them and removing any pebbles or other debris to make 8-10 servings of black bean soup. In a saucepan, place the beans, cover with cold water, and bring to a boil. The beans will begin to foam as they begin to boil. Add one diced onion and half of one finely chopped garlic clove to one finely chopped garlic clove, to taste, after skimming off the foam. Reduce the heat to low and cook the mixture for about 15 minutes, or until the onions are soft.

After that, add a 16 oz (454 g) can of peeled tomatoes, their juice, and some chopped cilantro to make a delicious black bean soup. The amount of cilantro you use is determined by how strong you want the flavor of cilantro to be in your soup. Half a chipotle chile, pureed or minced, can be added for extra heat. Stir the beans every now and then.

Cook the beans for another hour on low heat. Cook for another 30 minutes after adding a pinch of salt. Taste the soup and season it with more cilantro or salt if necessary. Black bean soup can be served plain or with sour cream or grated cheese on top.

Black bean soup is a favorite among both children and adults. It’s very cost-effective because the ingredients are usually inexpensive, and the flavor doesn’t suffer when the recipe is doubled, tripled, or even quadrupled. The next time you have a large group of people over, make a batch of black bean soup; everyone will appreciate it.