What is Assistive Technology?

Assistive technology refers to any technology that helps people with disabilities get around in their daily lives. Assistive technology includes motorized wheelchairs for those with physical limitations, large print books for those with vision problems, and flashing light alarms for the hearing impaired. Assistive technology, on the other hand, is most commonly used to refer to devices and adaptations that make it easier for people with disabilities to use computers.

Adaptations are available in different degrees depending on the disability. To help those with visual impairments, a variety of accommodations have been created. It may be as simple as enlarging the content on the screen for some users. This is usually accomplished by changing the zoom/magnification settings within the computer operating system, but external magnifying lenses or screens can also be used.

Another option is to use a screen reader, which reads any information on the screen aloud. Another variation on this theme is text-to-speech or speech synthesizer software. These programs read text as it is typed into the computer, allowing users to double-check their work and acting as a voice for those who are unable to speak. People with learning or reading disabilities who find it difficult to process textual information will benefit from screen reading and text-to-speech capabilities.

There are two ways to convert on-screen text into Braille for those who don’t want to use screen readers. An embossed Braille printout of a text screen is one method. A different machine uses a grid of bumps or pins to represent the words on the computer one line at a time, allowing for instant reading.

Interface and input adaptations are another common area of assistive technology. There are variations with larger or smaller keys and different key arrangements for those who have difficulty using a standard keyboard. Sticks and wands can be used to hit keyboard keys, whether they are held in the mouth or otherwise attached to the head. Voice recognition software eliminates the need for a keyboard by allowing users to simply speak their commands to the computer.

Setting up electronic devices that use a simple movement to control the cursor on the screen is one of the most advanced input devices. By tapping a finger or moving their eyes, a person may be able to move the cursor. It’s also possible to create sip-and-puff systems, in which a user can give commands to the computer by inhaling or exhaling. Alternative interfaces include joysticks, trackballs, and touch screens.
Many things that non-disabled people take for granted are now easily accessible thanks to assistive technologies. Every year, as public awareness grows, new and better products are developed.