What is an Ergonomic Saddle?

An ergonomic saddle is one that has been designed with the horse and rider in mind. An ergonomic saddle is not only more comfortable to wear and use, but it also promotes good health and usually improves the connection between horse and rider, allowing for better communication and a strong working relationship. Several saddle companies produce ergonomic saddles, and you can also order one that has been custom-fitted to your horse and rider.

The key issue with a saddle from the horse’s perspective is how it sits on the back. Saddles were not designed with the health of the horse’s back in mind in the past, and as a result, many horses developed back problems. The weight of the rider is distributed more evenly in an ergonomic saddle, preventing hot spots on the back. The girth is also designed to improve comfort, and the saddle and girth do not obstruct the horse’s natural movements.

Long hours in a poorly designed saddle can be exhausting for riders. The saddle can put a lot of pressure on the pelvis and tailbone, and it can also encourage bad posture, which can cause back problems and reduce the rider’s control over the horse. Ergonomic saddle designs reduce pressure by evenly distributing the rider’s weight and promote good posture by allowing riders to sit properly and comfortably for long periods of time.

Ergonomic saddles are sometimes referred to as comfort saddles because they make riding more comfortable. Aside from comfort, an ergonomic saddle can be a wise investment for a serious rider, benefiting both the rider and the horse. Riders, veterinarians, and saddle makers collaborated to create specialized saddles for dressage, jumping, and other riding events. Each saddle has unique ergonomic features that have been tailored to the specific sport with input from riders, veterinarians, and saddle makers.

An ergonomic saddle should ideally be fitted before purchase to ensure that it will work for both the horse and the rider. Fitting a saddle entails following a series of steps to ensure that the saddle sits properly on the horse without creating pressure points or hot spots, and it may necessitate a series of saddle adjustments to ensure proper fit. In fittings, the rider’s comfort and posture must also be considered. Fitting consultations are available at some saddleries, and many have exchange policies for riders who need to take a saddle home to fit it. The saddler will usually visit the horse in the barn for a series of measurements and fittings if the saddle is custom-made.

A bicycle seat is also referred to as a “saddle.” Cyclists who want to improve their performance and ride more comfortably can choose from a variety of ergonomic bicycle seats. Buying an ergonomic saddle for a cyclist is much easier because it only needs to be fitted to the rider’s comfort, not the mount’s.