What Is an Embryonic Stem Cell?

An embryonic stem cell can shape shift into nearly any type of cell in the human body, or it can stay a stem cell, thanks to DNA programming. Stem cells have the ability to replace damaged tissue, making them a promising treatment option for a variety of diseases. Scientists announced in 2011 that they had discovered a way to make embryonic stem cells from skin cells. x000D_

Although both embryonic and adult stem cells are used in research, embryonic stem cells can be programmed to become different types of cells more easily, whereas adult stem cells have fewer options. An embryonic stem cell is grown in a culture from donated eggs that have been fertilized in vitro or in a laboratory environment. If the conditions are favorable for the production of sufficient stem cells, some will be transferred to a new culture dish, and the process will be repeated. _x000D Original embryonic stem cells can produce millions of stem cells for research and possible disease treatment.

Scientists have discovered a way to induce embryonic stem cells to transform into other types of cells, making them extremely useful in research and disease treatment. Scientists have been able to make heart muscle cells by turning on the DNA in embryonic stem cells. These cells were injected into patients undergoing open heart surgery, and research suggests that the new heart muscle cells improved heart function and helped patients grow capillaries.

Other diseases have also been treated with embryonic stem cells. Researchers announced in 2011 that they had created memory and learning brain cells from embryonic stem cells. These cells could be useful in replacing brain cells that have been damaged by Alzheimer’s disease. Embryonic stem cells have also been used as a test treatment for macular degeneration, a common cause of blindness.

In 2011, the New York Stem Cell Foundation announced that it had discovered a way to convert specialized skin cells back to stem cells. They were able to accomplish this by inserting skin cell DNA into an unfertilized human egg, demonstrating that a human egg can transform a specialized cell into a stem cell. However, the research was not without flaws, as the newly created cells had 69 chromosomes instead of the ideal 46. These cells will be used for research purposes only, not for disease treatment.