What Is a Maize Genome?

A maize genome is a complete copy of the genetic material found in a maize (corn) variety. Zea mays has been extensively bred and genetically modified to produce a variety of cultivars. Some are considered subspecies in their own right, while others are not genetically distinct enough to be considered true subspecies. Sequencing their genetics reveals important details about how maize grows and matures, as well as allowing researchers to distinguish between varieties.

It takes time to create a maize genome. To correctly identify the amino acids that make up strings of the organism’s genetic code, researchers must duplicate the deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) and use sequencing machines. This includes both active genes and noncoding DNA that are involved in plant development. B73, a popular commercial cultivar of the plant grown all over the world, was the first complete maize genome.

Maize genetics data can be used in a variety of ways. It can be used to learn more about the plant’s history and to compare domesticated corn strains with wild relatives. Genetic sequencing can also reveal how cross-pollination occurs and help researchers spot genetic contamination. A maize crop, for example, could reveal that it has interbred with genetically modified specimens or cultivars that the farmers did not intend to cross it with.

Researchers can also use genetics to see how specific traits, such as high oil content and sweetness, manifest. This could allow them to create more commercially viable genetically modified maize strains. Corn, for example, must have a high oil content in order to be used in biofuel production. A higher sugar expression in sweet corn for consumption could be beneficial. The maize genome also enables agricultural researchers to create more disease-resistant strains that can withstand harsh weather.

A variety of resources provide copies of the maize genome. Researchers can compare genetic data from various strains and make corrections or annotations to existing genomes. Annotations are the next step in genome research because they provide information about the specific function of DNA. After using a genome sequence to determine what is in an organism’s genetic code, scientists must learn what it does and annotate it for the benefit of other researchers. Finding genes and determining what they do when turned on and off or modified in controlled environments could take years of research.