What is a Fallout Meter?

A fallout meter is a radiation-measuring device that could be used in the aftermath of a nuclear war to assess the amount of radiation in the environment. Fallout, highly radioactive particles that would rain down over large areas of the United States, Europe, and/or Russia in the event of a full-scale nuclear war, is the meter’s name. These particles would emit enough radiation in the hours, days, and weeks following the explosions to kill anyone unfortunate enough to be out in the open without protection. Unfortunately, most people have placed little emphasis on learning about the dangers of fallout since the end of the Cold War, and will thus be completely unprepared in the event of a nuclear war.

A fallout meter is an ion chamber that measures the prevalence of radiation by measuring its effects on a charged gas chamber. It is used to measure ionizing radiation. When an ionizing particle hits the particles in the chamber, it causes them to lose charge in a precise manner that can be measured. A “fallout meter” is a radiation-measuring device calibrated to accurately measure large amounts of radiation, such as that which might be present in the aftermath of a nuclear attack, in a way that a traditional Geiger counter, designed for lower radiation intensity situations, would be incapable of.

The CDV-715 (Civil Defense Geiger Counter) is the most popular fallout meter on the market today, and it can be purchased for around $20 US Dollars. This meter was first introduced in 1962, during the height of Cold War paranoia. Aside from the CDV-715, the Kearny Fallout Meter, designed by civil defense expert Cresson Kearny, is another notable fallout meter. Anyone can make this fallout meter out of common household materials like a tin can and aluminum leaves. The instructions for building the Kearny Fallout Meter are freely available on the Internet and can be printed in a newspaper in the event of an emergency.

A fallout meter, in addition to shelter, water, and food, is a must-have item for surviving a post-attack situation. One can only guess at the ambient fallout radiation intensity without a fallout meter, and a quick trip outside a shelter could be enough to cause radiation sickness, which is characterized by profuse vomiting and nausea followed by a slow death. If you believe there is a reasonable chance of a nuclear war occurring during your lifetime, a fallout meter would be a good investment for you and your family.