What is a DNA Laboratory?

A DNA laboratory is a facility that specializes in testing DNA, the life blueprint found in every living organism’s cell. These labs are capable of extracting DNA from samples, which isn’t always easy, and running tests to sequence the DNA. Depending on why the test was ordered, these tests may look for specific genetic markers or be more general in nature. Sending materials to a DNA laboratory can be costly, and the testing process can take a long time, contrary to what some people expect from television shows in which DNA tests are completed in under an hour.

It can be difficult to extract DNA from a sample. Although some samples, such as hair and blood, are easier to work with than others, DNA laboratories can obtain intact material from unexpected places, such as a skeleton’s bone marrow or scrapings of biological materials from a crime scene. To avoid contamination, it’s critical to handle the sample properly, with contamination from the laboratory technician being a major concern. Even if a lab finds testable DNA, there may only be enough for one test, and the evidence may be destroyed during the testing process, which can be problematic in criminal cases.

A DNA laboratory’s facilities include a variety of equipment that can be used to sequence DNA. Specific areas of interest in the DNA are broken down to find their amino acid sequence during the DNA sequencing process. This sequence can act as a fingerprint, linking a person to evidence, revealing information about a person’s racial or ethnic origin, or demonstrating a genetic relationship between two individuals. As in genetic testing to determine whether or not parents carry harmful genes, DNA sequencing can be used to look for problem genes that cause defects.

A written report is prepared after the material has been analyzed at a DNA laboratory to discuss the findings and their significance. The report will usually state how trustworthy and useful the findings are. Genetic testing, for example, may reveal weak or strong evidence of a genetic connection between two people, and the strength of this evidence could be a key factor in determining how useful the evidence is. The lab will also talk about how they sequenced the DNA so that the results can be scrutinized and possibly replicated by another DNA lab.

Almost all DNA laboratories can perform nuclear DNA testing, which collects DNA from the nucleus of a living cell. Some people test for mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) in cell organelles called mitochrondria, looking for maternally inherited genetic material. mtDNA can reveal genetic relationships as well as other fascinating details. Another service that a DNA laboratory might provide is Y-STR sequencing, which examines the Y chromosome found in men.