What Are the Different Renewable Energy Sources?

Renewable energy sources are natural resources that produce clean energy and are self-renewable. There are a variety of renewable energy sources that can be used to meet energy needs for heating, cooling, and electric utilities, among other things, all over the world. Two of the most well-known sources of energy are solar and wind. Others include hydropower, geothermal power, and biomass power. The use of these renewable energy sources, when combined, can reduce the amount of greenhouse gases released into the atmosphere while also reducing reliance on traditional energy sources such as coal and fossil fuels like oil and gas. x000D_

The most commonly discussed renewable energy sources are wind and solar power. Wind turbines are installed on many ridgelines around the world, and the energy produced as the turbines spin in the wind is stored for later use. Photovoltaic (PV) arrays, which can be installed on rooftops or as freestanding panels, are used to harness solar power. During the day, these absorb the sun’s energy and store it in batteries for later use, such as overnight or on cloudy days. By installing solar panels, some people can take their homes completely “off the grid” (that is, not connected to any electric utility services), though most people use a combination of solar and conventional power.

Hydropower is yet another popular renewable energy source. This usually refers to river turbines and dams that capture energy as the water flows through and rotates the turbines. Another example is tide power, which involves installing turbines in the oceans and turning them as the tide comes in and out. This is a new concept, but it has a lot of promise because it is less disruptive to ecosystems than dams, which can drastically change the species composition of rivers. It is also less reliant on specific weather conditions, resulting in more consistent energy production throughout the year. x000D_

Renewable energy sources such as geothermal and biomass power are two more examples. Geothermal systems use heat energy found deep within the earth to heat and cool homes and other structures. Because of their efficiency, they are commonly used in greenhouses and industrial buildings. Biomass power is typically defined as the combustion of natural wastes, such as wood products that cannot be used for manufacturing or crop residues, such as corn. As technology advances and more sources become available for this purpose, biomass will likely become a very important source of renewable energy.