Biometrics is a technique for creating an identification system based on biological characteristics unique to each individual. Iris detection is one of the most accurate biometric technologies available because each person’s iris pattern is unique. Iris biometrics is a biometrics identification method that uses high-resolution images of a person’s eye to identify them. The technology uses a camera to create an eye template that includes the corneal reflection.
The method works by converting a person’s iris image into a mathematical algorithm. Each time a person’s eye is scanned, the mathematical data from the previous scan is compared. The eyelid always covers a portion of the eye. When matching a person to his scan, the mathematical equation takes into account the eyelid by subtracting the areas covered by the eyelid from the data. This technology can be used to identify a single person in a crowd or to match a person’s identifying information to their own.
Iris scanning is used to protect sensitive data and limit access to only a few people. In some places, it is also used as a means of national security. Iris biometrics are thought to be particularly trustworthy. There is still a chance of human error with any identification method, though it is less likely than with other technologies because iris identification computations are done by a computer.
Iris biometrics has several advantages over fingerprinting, another method of biometrics authentication. The iris is an internal organ that is protected from environmental damage. During pregnancy, the iris’ makeup is determined. Though medical conditions and surgical procedures can change the color and shape of the iris, the texture, which is what the technology measures, remains constant. Biometrics devices that use iris scans have been successful in identifying the same person for over 30 years. Because the retina changes with age, iris biometrics is thought to be more reliable than the more common retinal scanning method.
Iris biometrics, on the other hand, is still a relatively new technology. It does not, for example, take the same amount of time as fingerprinting. It’s difficult to perform at a distance, and someone who doesn’t keep his head still or look into the camera could be misidentified. Iris biometrics technologies may be harmed by two factors: poor image quality and software failure.