What Are Grilled Sweet Potatoes?

In many countries around the world, sweet potatoes are a staple food. This vegetable is high in nutrients and can be a tasty addition to a main course. Sweet potatoes are traditionally boiled and served with butter, or steamed and baked with brown sugar and cinnamon. Rather than cooking sweet potatoes in the oven or on the stove, grilled sweet potatoes are prepared on the grill. They’re a refreshing change of pace from traditional sweet potatoes.

To make grilled sweet potatoes, boil the vegetables in water until they are almost tender, about seven to ten minutes. After removing the sweet potatoes and allowing them to cool, they are sliced lengthwise or crosswise, depending on the desired wedge shape. Brush the wedges with oil before placing them directly on the grill or in a grill basket. Grill the wedges for three to seven minutes on each side, depending on how thick they are and how long they have been simmered.

Sweet potatoes that have been grilled retain their creamy texture on the inside while having a crispy exterior. While a gas grill is convenient, sweet potatoes grilled over charcoal have a smoky, charbroiled flavor. Cooking directly on the grill creates a color contrast with the dark grill stripes against the yellow or orange vegetable, but cooking in a basket is a more convenient method.

Before brushing the oil on the sweet potatoes, season it with spices. The traditional cinnamon, as well as nutmeg, cumin, and paprika, are all good spices to use with sweet potatoes. Garlic and chipotle powder can also be used.
Another option is to make a sauce that you can pour over the cooked sweet potatoes after they’ve been grilled. Olive oil, green onions, garlic, and Worcestershire sauce or soy sauce could all be found in a sauce. Allow the grilled sweet potatoes to cool before cubing and serving in a cold salad with a vinaigrette sauce or with white potatoes and mayonnaise for a unique take on potato salad.

Sweet potatoes grilled on the grill are a versatile and nutritious side dish. The dish is vegan and goes well with both vegetarian and meat or fish-based meals. Sweet potatoes, when cooked, are a good source of vitamin A. Vitamin C, calcium, iron, protein, and fiber are also present.

Sweet potato plants have starchy yellow or orange roots that resemble large russet potatoes, which are commonly used in baking. A sweet potato has a stronger and sweeter flavor than a russet potato, with a butternut squash-like flavor. Although sweet potatoes are native to Central and South America, they are grown for food in other warm climates.
Sweet potatoes are often referred to as yams, despite the fact that they are not related to the yam. The yam, which belongs to the Dioscoreaceae family, is a completely different root vegetable. The sweet potato belongs to the Convolvulaceae family, which also includes the morning glory. Yams are only found in tropical areas.