What are Global Warming Gases?

Greenhouse gases, also known as global warming gases, are chemical compounds that trap heat in the Earth’s atmosphere, raising the planet’s average temperature. The list of offending gases includes methane, carbon dioxide, and even water vapor. Natural processes and human activities both release these gases into the environment, and many countries have taken steps to limit the human impact on the rise of global warming gases.

Greenhouse gases get their name from the effect they have on the planet’s surface and atmosphere, which is similar to that of a greenhouse. These global warming gases absorb and emit heat, increasing the planet’s temperature. Human activities such as the burning of fossil fuels, increasing industrial emissions, and cutting down the planet’s forests have all contributed to the increase in these gases in the atmosphere. Natural events such as volcano eruptions and meteorite impacts have caused temperature fluctuations throughout history.

Water vapor is one of the most commonly overlooked global warming gases. Water vapor in the forms of clouds, steam, fog, and haze, which is continuously produced by natural processes and as a byproduct of the burning of fossil fuels, all help to trap the sun’s warmth inside the atmosphere. Water vapor accounts for roughly 70% of all greenhouse gases, and rising global temperatures have the additional effect of increasing the amount of water that evaporates and enters the atmosphere.

Natural processes and human activities both release methane and carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. Natural sources such as swamps and wetlands, as well as the burning of fossil fuels and industrial and waste facilities, release methane. The natural carbon cycle includes carbon dioxide, which is also released by the burning of fossil fuels. These gases have been steadily increasing since the Industrial Revolution in the 18th century.