What are Climbing Holds?

Climbing holds come in a variety of shapes that are cast in resin or plastic and designed to be installed on rock climbing walls. They are made in various levels of difficulty and are designed to mimic the feel and sometimes the look of climbing outdoors. Climbing holds are available from a variety of companies, and you can also make your own with casting kits. Climbing holds are an important part of training for people who want to go rock climbing all year long without having to worry about the weather.

A climbing wall is a sturdy structure with holes through which climbing holds can be bolted. In reference to bouldering, a less extreme climbing sport, a short wall is commonly referred to as a bouldering wall. Climbers on higher walls are provided with belays and other safety equipment, as well as mats in the event that they fall. The climbing holds are bolted to the climbing wall, making it completely reconfigurable. Specific routes are frequently marked, requiring climbers to use a specific set of climbing holds to reach the top of the wall.

All a climber really needs to climb a low wall are strong hands and chalk. Chalk absorbs sweat that would otherwise make climbers’ hands slippery, allowing them to get a good grip on climbing holds. Some climbers prefer to use gloves instead, especially when climbing in the outdoors on potentially sharp or painful materials. Climbers use their fingers and toes in specialized climbing shoes to grip climbing holds and haul themselves up the wall.

It is critical to use safety equipment when working with taller walls. Climbers must wear harnesses and clip into belay gear, which is located at the top of the wall, even if they only fall a short distance. Climbing without safety equipment, or free climbing, is usually frowned upon. Because the climber must still use climbing holds to scale the wall, belay gear does not make climbing any easier, but it does make it much safer. Falls can occur at any level of climbing skill when climbing holds fail, the climber’s hand slips, or the climber becomes distracted.

Simple climbing holds are easy to use because they have large, clear gripping areas. Harder grips are smaller, slicker, and have fewer clearly defined areas to grab onto. Climbers can choose to work their way up a wall by following a route of challenging climbing holds, or they can start with easy holds to gain a sense of accomplishment. Climbing is more enjoyable when you have a partner who can keep an eye on you, point out new and interesting routes, and challenge you. If you want to use a climbing wall, search for climbing gyms in your area using your favorite search engine.