How does Solar Energy Work?

Solar energy can be harnessed through a variety of methods. Nearly all of the energy on Earth can be attributed to solar energy in the broadest sense, but most of it would be difficult to harness for human use. It is the use of technology such as heat collectors and photovoltaic systems that allows solar energy to be used in practical ways for humans. Some of this technology is used on a commercial scale, while others are designed specifically for personal use.

Light and heat are the two primary products of the sun. As a result, it’s no surprise that the technologies used to make solar energy work are focused on these two areas. Heat collectors, for example, are frequently used in solar water heaters used in residential applications. Photovoltaic systems, or solar panels, collect light and convert it to electricity as an alternative.

Solar energy, like any other type of energy, can only function if it can be converted properly. Conversion occurs at some point, whether it is with plants through the natural process of photosynthesis or through human engineering. The second law of thermal dynamics states that the potential energy in the initial state will always be greater than the potential energy in the converted state in any conversion. As a result, solar energy projects strive to convert energy as efficiently as possible.

Heat collectors appear to be the focus of most industrial solar production efforts. These systems are frequently arranged in rows and resemble curved troughs. The sun’s rays strike the troughs’ highly reflective surface, concentrating the heat on a conduit just in front of the reflectors. A liquid is heated to extremely high temperatures inside that tube, often exceeding 5,400 degrees Fahrenheit (more than 3,000 degrees Celsius).

However, to make this type of solar energy work, a conversion process is still required. The heated liquid is then transferred to a different location, where steam is produced. The steam is then used to power turbines, which are directly responsible for the generation of electricity. After that, the electricity is put on a grid and delivered to the end user.

Another method for putting solar energy to use in a practical application is photovoltaics. When light strikes certain materials, they can produce an electric spark. This electricity can then be used immediately or stored in batteries. Most solar-powered light products work in this way, though the lumens produced are generally lower than when using electricity from more traditional sources. This technology is rapidly evolving and becoming more efficient with each passing year.