How do I Plan a Last Minute Vacation?

A last-minute vacation can be a delightful surprise and a welcome break from the routine. Although it is usually held over a weekend or a few short days, it can be a great way to recharge your batteries and have a quick adventure before returning to your daily routine. You may believe that a last-minute vacation will be prohibitively expensive, but if you plan ahead, you may be able to save a few dollars.

If you decide to take a last-minute vacation to an area where you frequently stay, call your usual lodgings to see if they offer repeat customers a discount. If you’ve met the manager before on previous trips, request a meeting with them and explain your situation. Many small hotels and inns value repeat business and may offer you a discount.

Some hotels offer last-minute deals on empty rooms even if you don’t have inside connections with the innkeepers. Bed and breakfasts and boutique hotels frequently have unsold rooms, and making some money is preferable to making none at all. If you talk carefully, you might be able to persuade them to give you a discount even if it isn’t a regular special. Tell them how much you need a quick vacation or how you’ve decided to surprise your significant other after a bad week by being polite and open.

It is not necessary to travel thousands of miles for a last-minute vacation. Travel by car or train to a nearby destination to save money on airfare. Visit a city you’ve never been to before, or spend a few nights in one you’ve only visited for day trips. After staying overnight, you’ll have a completely different perspective of the area and may discover new and exciting places to visit in the future. Local getaways can be just as relaxing as a weekend trip to Hawaii, and they usually allow you to spend more time at your destination.

If, on the other hand, you’re dead set on flying to Naples for a fantastic pizza this weekend, now is the time to try to make good use of your frequent flyer miles. If you have miles from a credit card or an airline program, try to trade them in as soon as possible. Last-minute flights are frequently expensive, but you can save money by checking online travel sites. Almost all offer flight deals within a few days, so you might get lucky and find a great deal for your destination.

When it comes to temporarily abandoning your home life, now is the time to enlist the help of a house sitter. Older, responsible teenagers are often ecstatic at the prospect of spending the weekend away from their parents’ house, and can be persuaded to feed the pets, so enlist the help of any mature young cousins or siblings you can trust in the house. Leave them simple instructions, food in the refrigerator, the liquor cabinet locked, and a keychain.

The key to a successful last-minute vacation is to avoid obsessing over minor details. Prepare for a little chaos and relax because this is a whirlwind tour, not a well-planned trip. Make the most of your last-minute vacation by de-stressing, pampering a tired loved one, or indulging in a new romance. If your friends tease you about your unbreakable routine and stately pace in life, follow John Muir’s advice and “throw a loaf of bread and pound of tea in an old sack and jump over the back fence” once in a while.