How do I Choose the Best International Travel Agent?

International travel can be a headache in and of itself, and the best international travel agent will have the right mix of education, contacts, and expertise to avoid trip delays and overspending. The best agents are usually those who have a deep understanding of a specific destination. Typically, international travel agents specialize in trips to specific parts of the globe. Highly regarded agents are also more likely to come highly recommended and demonstrate a genuine interest in meeting your specific travel requirements.

When traveling internationally, you may want your travel agent to specialize in certain areas. If you are an American traveling to France, for example, you should look for a travel agent who speaks both French and English. Because of the agent’s extensive knowledge of the country, she may be able to recommend local attractions and restaurants. She may also have a better understanding of the region’s customs, culture, and history, which could be useful if you’re going on a business trip or looking for a different kind of vacation than the typical beach vacation. The fact that an international travel agent can provide you with this information in your native language can also help to bridge communication gaps.

If something goes wrong during your international trip, such as a missed flight, it can have a significant impact on the rest of your journey. When speaking with travel agents, inquire about how they can help you with such problems. In most cases, knowledgeable agents can assist with rebooking a flight and ensuring that hotel reservations are not canceled due to lateness. In addition, the best international travel agent will usually return phone calls and emails promptly.

When it comes to choosing the best international travel agent, reputation is crucial. Request recommendations from family and friends, and conduct an online search to compile a list of agents you might want to contact. Top agents typically have some formal education and take advantage of continuing education opportunities to stay current with industry changes, ensuring they are knowledgeable about all of the products and services available for international travel. These international travel agents, on the whole, have professional certifications and memberships that can be verified. Many travel agents in the United States, for example, are members of the American Society of Travel Agents, which requires them to follow a strict ethical code when dealing with travelers.

You should also stick with international travel agents who work for well-known international travel agencies. These agencies have typically been in operation for a number of years and have some negotiating power with car rental companies, hotels, and other travel service providers to help you get the best deals. They may also have access to special hotel rates and discounts that aren’t available through an online travel agent.

Once you’ve compiled a list of potential agents, you can narrow it down by making a few phone calls. When speaking with travel agents, let them know what kind of adventure you’re looking for, such as exotic adventure travel or winter skiing. The best agents will take the time to ask questions so that they can better tailor an experience to your preferences and budget.