Natural global warming is a touchy topic in today’s world. With so much emphasis on raising awareness about greenhouse gases, carbon levels, and green lifestyles, some may mistakenly believe that humans are to blame for all global warming. The Earth, on the other hand, has a long history of natural climate change, which results in warm and cool cycles. While most experts believe that human activity is the primary cause of modern climate change, natural global warming could also play a role in rising temperatures and other climate-related issues.
Temperature cycles on Earth are usually fairly stable, according to what scientists can tell about the planet’s ancient history, but they may experience sudden rises or drops in temperature at the beginning and end of ice ages. Glaciers are retreating and more temperate climates are establishing in what were once ice realms due to a sudden increase in global temperature. This natural global warming could be caused by a number of planetary changes, both on the ground and in space.
Temperature anomalies similar to global warming have occurred in recorded history, long before humans began emitting massive amounts of greenhouse gases. Northern Europe and Asia experienced a significant warming trend during the medieval period. Unfortunately, there are few scientific sources that can provide proof of the magnitude of this period of natural global warming, but it is widely accepted as a fact. Similarly, the world experienced a brief cooling period known as a baby or little ice age during the Middle Ages. Many accounts exist of people being able to ice skate on rivers in the modern era, such as the Thames in southern England.
It appears that some natural global warming is possible. Scientists have several advanced theories about what factors contribute to the planet’s periodic warming and cooling, but there appears to be little evidence that these factors are currently influencing global warming. Because the thickness of the atmosphere and how well the sun can penetrate it affect climate change, natural global warming is the result of changes in these factors.
Over vast periods of time, the Earth orbits the sun almost like a spinning top, changing the angle at which it leans in or out. This can have an impact on celestial navigation; for example, there have been times when the North Star was not exactly due north due to this process. It can also affect how much sunlight the planet receives, which many scientists believe contributed to the planet’s early ice ages. Similarly, the Sun is not a constantly burning body, and its intensity may fluctuate, affecting Earth’s conditions. Periods of intense volcanic activity on the planet’s surface are thought to be the third factor that could cause natural global warming. Climate change can be caused by changing the composition of the atmosphere over a long period of time.
While natural global warming appears to be a proven fact, many experts agree that it cannot be to blame for the vast changes in planetary function since the 19th century Industrial Revolution. Since then, humans have dramatically increased greenhouse gas production, causing significant changes in the atmosphere. The presence and history of natural global warming suggests that when the climate changes, massive changes occur on the Earth, but that life adapts and survives. Human life may be able to weather the storms if everything possible is done to reduce and counteract man-made global warming.